Множество интересной информации на прессухе Поча сегодня.
Слишком много, чтобы комментировать все, но заострю внимание на одном моменте. Никуда домой после победы или не победы в финале ЛЧ Поч не собирается. Как я уже пытался объяснить его таинственное высказывание это был некий философский образ "пойду домой".
Сегодня он довольно понятно объяснил, что на самом деле у него на уме. Совершенно конкретно- продолжать работать в этом "удивительном клубе".
Как удалось клубу за пять лет проделать такую фишку, как выстроить два лучших в мире инфраструктурных объекта - тренировочную базу и стадион и при этом продолжать улучшать спортивную сторону команды, таких примеров в мире не много.
Поэтому Поча охватили такие эмоции, когда он осознал чего стоило соперничество с клубами с деньгами, покупающими успех, покупающими лучших игроков и тренеров. И на другой чаше весов совсем другой подход- подвижничество, самопожертвование, настойчивость, креатив. Десятки и сотни людей, имена которых мы не знаем, но которые работают на общую идею. Когда ты видишь результат изнутри, понимаешь чего все это стоило, ты совершенно уверенно называешь этих людей супер-героями. Они хорошо вознаграждены, но по сравнению с другими сделали гораздо больше по отношению к своим зарплатам.
Я совершенно влюбился в то, что сказал Йохан Кройфф: "Почему нельзя победить богатый клуб? Никогда не видел, чтобы мешок с деньгами забивал гол"
Обожаю голландцев. Трудолюбивые и изобретательные.
https://www.football.london/tottenham-h ... e-16256443Does reaching the Champions League final give back to your decision to stay here and the project you have built here?
After five years, I will repeat, after five years, it's a moment to close a chapter. Because it's not going to be the same on July 1 or 6 or 7 when we start the pre-season it's so important to have a clear idea of the project, the way, the challenge that we're going to design to have ahead.
It was very clear five years ago that the priority was always going to be, until the stadium is finished the stadium, and finishing the facilities here at the training ground. We feel so proud because our capacity to manage the situation, that is very difficult, how it affects the football side at different clubs is amazing.
To have this capacity to manage both and after five years be successful, because for the first time in our history Tottenham is going to play a Champions League final and to finish the best stadium in the world. It's a massive success. That's why we feel so proud of these five years. But what is next? What next? That's the question.
What next and how we explain to you and what you translate to our fans, what we want for the future of our club. Of course you know it's difficult for me to explain that. It's a conversation with Daniel, I need to listen to Daniel, he's the boss, the owner. I need to know what I explain to you and you translate to our fans.
Until today it was so clear. Our ambition brought us to play a final of the Champions League. No-one believed, if we said five years ago, in five years we are going to open the best stadium in the world and play the quarter-final and semi-final of the Champions League at our new stadium and then play in the final of the Champions League, you would say 'what do you drink? I want the same'. Yes, but today it is reality. It's reality because of our ambition, our capacity, the effort, that is why I'm not tired to repeat that our players are heroes.
They need to feel the love from everyone at the club, of course our fans because of all the effort we are doing. The players, the staff, all the people who cannot put a face on but they are there working a lot. I want to reward them with our words because all that we suffer to arrive and live this dream and this happiness today at this amazing club, it's priceless.
With all the money to win trophies, to live this type of moment, that's why I broke down and started to cry. It was an amazing moment. When you go back, we had very small dreams, but when you achieve one of the biggest dreams of your life, it's difficult to keep inside. Thats why now it's a moment to enjoy, finish in the best way and play Sunday and prepare for the final, which will be an amazing moment for all our fans. After the final it will be a time to talk a lot and listen. What next?