Разница в классе (не в плане уровня возможностей, а поведенческом) между Конте и Тухелем, точнее полное отсутствие такового у Тухеля, становится явной. В апелляции к ФА Конте признал вину и попросил прощения у общественности, хотя извиняться-то было особо не за что. Тухель в надменной форме заявил, мол не виноват и не жалею, Конте сам виноват. Угадайте, кому отменили дисквал, а кому нет). Постановление комиссии по инциденту - тренер не обязан смотреть в глаза при пожатии рук после матча, тогда как действия Тухеля были провокацией.
текст писем комиссии Conte says;
In Conte's letter, he wrote: "I would first like to apologise to the Commission for the events that happened after the game against Chelsea on Sunday which is not something I like being associated with, or seeing on a football field. For this reason I have therefore admitted the charge of improper conduct.
"The referee blew the final whistle, I wanted to congratulate my players and acknowledge the away fans, as well as the home fans who I still hold with great affection after my time managing the club…so not to create any further unease between us I wanted to quickly shake hands and move on.
"I extended my hand towards him with the intention of briefly shaking his, however he grabbed my hand and did not release his grip. Due to his very firm grip my arm jarred causing me to be pulled backwards. I was both surprised and unhappy that such handshake caused me to be pulled back with such physical force. I did not over-react to this provocation and with the circumstances was proud of how I handled myself. Had I made any reaction then I understand the situation would have been much worse."
Tuchel says;
Tuchel's letter stated: "At the end of the match I approached Mr Conte to shake his hand as an act of sportsmanship. Mr Conte took my hand but did not look at me and I considered his demeanour to be a sign of disrespect towards me. I therefore held on to his hand as he walked past me and told him to look me in the eyes when he shakes my hand.
"Mr Conte replied in Italian and acted very aggressively towards me. I did not react to his aggression and did not say anything insulting to him. I acknowledge that I could and should have dealt with Mr Conte’s conduct towards me in a more appropriate manner (for example, by speaking to him privately afterwards). I apologise to The FA and to the Regulatory Commission, for having to bring and consider the charge."
После последовавшего поражения от Лидса (0-3) Томас заявил, что его команда была лучше, при этом свалил вину на игроков (в первую очередь вратаря) и на невероятно утомительную поездку в автобусе длиной 4 часа. О да, невероятная разница с самолетом и последующим трансфером до аэропорта и обратно.
Похоже, Боули совершает ту же ошибку, что и Леви летом 19-го года, полностью поставив на тренера, который устал от клуба, не жалея при этом средств.