ostrov » 16 июл 2013, 18:24
Касаемо Бентеке со стороны Астон Виллы/ инсайд.
Камень преткновения пока размер % при перепродаже, эта часть для Шпор может быть больше, чем разница в сумме трансфера, которую предлагаем мы и которую хочет Вилла. Это еще одно доказательство насколько многослойнны такого рода сделки.
Вторая важная деталь - Бентеке дал понять АВ, что он хочет перейти конкретно в Тоттенхэм. Это напоминает станс Вертонгена в прошлом году, когда он сказал Аяксу : либо я перехожу в Шпоры, либо остаюсь в Аяксе.
Только Бентеке даже не хочет возвращаться в АВ в четверг на работу.
Who: Trix
When: 16/07/13
Where: COYS
Been sitting on this for two hours now, but I have finally managed to get to a PC so I can pass it on. I was called this morning from a friend of mine(from B'ham) who I have known for over 30 years and who Ihaven't seen for at least 3-4 months now, who desperately needed a favour. He is trying to impress a couple of potential Australian clients who are over atm and they happened to mention they liked to fish back home. Anyway long story short but I have a small 5m fishing boat that I occasionally take friends and family out into the channel on. Well as some of you know(I have posted a few times) that I have a friend who used to have a close family member who was very influential on the board back when Doug Ellis was in charge of Villa, this was the friend in question!!! Well he has retired now but still works for the club full time(non paid) dealing with all Villa's behind the scenes charity work, he still sits in an executive box and still has very good connections at the club. Anyhoo We had a bit of a chat and talk turned to football and inevitably Benteke. He said he hadn't heard anything for a couple of days but the last he heard was that we had shown a lot more than just interest...Anyway 15 minutes later I had this text convo with him......
Hi mate. Just spoke to dad and he says he thinks B will definitely be at Spurs before the end of the week. Sticking point has been extra's!
Yeah we have a price and one way or another want to make sure we get it.
How do you mean?
Straight up cash or big lump sum+huge sell on % and add ons.
any idea how much?
Dad won't know exact numbers but said it would be in the region of 18mil +25% + Add ons. He thinks it's the big % that is causing the problem, because it may cost Spurs quite a lot more than the straight up fee.
About half hour later I got this....
Just to add Benteke has told Villa It is Spurs he wants to go to and his agent has made this abundantly clear.
"We are always confident because we trust our players, and we never give up,"--- said boss Mauricio Pochettino.