ostrov » 17 июн 2016, 22:41
Лучший пост норвежца , фана Сперс, о поведении части английских фанов, которых он называет "стаей обезьян", где безобразные выходки распространяются со скоростью лесного пожара.
От себя добавлю, что английская полиция давно вычислила способ борьбы с этим - выдернуть из стаи двух/трех вожаков и остальные не знают кому подражать, до тех пор пока не найдется новый заводила. В этой ситуации использовать без разбора слезоточивый газ только ведет к массовому сопротивлению. Так французы в Марселе создали всеобщий хаос.
Martin Ledang
active member
As I wrote in a post, I`ve always felt almost warmly welcome in England. The most polite people in Europe. Almost too polite. "Thank you, please, excuse me, please, please, please" in every sentence, but that`s nice. When I see many english abroad I sometimes wonder what kind of english who enjoys traveling (in Europe). And honsestly, I would be ashamed and embarassed if I was english when I see those and read about how they behave.
To be honest, I dislike and almost literally hate this provocative singing/chanting and general monkey mentality more than I dislike real hooligan fighting in some backstreets. The latter is actually better, cause you`re not provoking and involving everyone if you do it that way.
I`ve seen some statements which maintain that the english have behaved well for 16 years now. No, not true. I`ve seen an english documentary film about the english behaviour in Germany in 2006. Not much of real fighting maybe, but a lot of provocative behavior. Stealing other nations flags, racist chants (you know- the one about the turks), thowing chairs etc etc.
That`s the worst. This monkey tribe behavior. I agree with Lineker: An embarassment.
The russian thugs are extremely voilent and terrible, yes. But, many english supportes are not tough enough to fight, but tough enough when it comes to throwing bottles and chanting shit when they have 100 persons surrounding them. Silly!
Don`t do it if you don`t mean it.
NB! It`s not Europe that have to adapt to and understand english supporters. It is english supporters who got to adapt to, respect and understand the country they are going to!
"We are always confident because we trust our players, and we never give up,"--- said boss Mauricio Pochettino.